Views of Ulama, Tradition, Reciting GravesAbstract
The purpose of this research is that the tradition of reciting the graves that has been carried out in some communities so far has a strong foundation, at least there is the opinion of the ulema and ijtihad of clerics who really have knowledge about Islam that allows and benefits the deceased when the Koran is read at the side his grave and so is the opposite opinion. So that the differences that occur among Islamic scholars can be used as a benefit for Muslims to live a religious life. books or other written sources that are relevant to the research title contained in library sources, which can be used as a reference source for compiling a scientific report. The approach used is an analytical descriptive approach. Analytical descriptive, namely the search in the form of facts, the results of one's thought ideas through searching, analyzing, making interpretations and generalizing the results of the research conducted. As for the results of the research, it was found that all the scholars of the madhhab and their followers were of the view that reciting the graves is a part that is beneficial for the deceased and can lighten the burden on his grave because there are readings from the Koran and prayers delivered by Muslims. In this case, some of the school's scholars and their followers used qiyas from several things that had been practiced by the Prophet Muhammad. which is considered as the argument for reciting the grave. Apart from that, there are also some followers of the madhhab scholars who have made the activity of reciting the graves makruh. Whereas those scholars who do not recommend reciting the graves are of the view that reciting the graves is a work that violates the sunnah because it was never explicitly practiced by the Prophet Muhammad. then the scholar categorizes it as heretical work and there is no benefit for the deceased.
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