Zakat, Tax, Certification, HalalAbstract
Empowerment is a process by which people become strong enough to participate in various controls over influencing the events and institutions that affect their lives. Empowerment of the Ummah is an effort made to help develop the potential and encourage and motivate the people to be independent in business activities carried out from the productive zakat funds obtained. With this empowerment, it is hoped that it will create understanding, awareness and shape the attitudes and behavior of people's lives towards independence. The relationship between zakat and taxes is caused by several things, namely zakat and taxes are significant things in an effort to prosper the people. Zakat and tax have in common, have an element of coercion, both must be deposited to a community institution (the State), both do not provide certain rewards, and both have social, economic, political goals in addition to financial goals. Zakat and tax have differences in several respects, namely in terms of name and ethics, nature and purpose, nishab and provisions, sustainability and continuity, expenditure, in terms of relations with the authorities, and in terms of aims and objectives. Halal certification is a written fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) which states the halalness of a product. Issued through the Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Assessment Institute (LP-POM) and the fatwa commission has endeavored to provide guarantees for halal food products for Muslim consumers through halal certification instruments.
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