Character formation, Obedience to teachers, Educational strategies, MTs Al-BarokahAbstract
The formation of obedient character towards teachers is a crucial aspect in efforts to create a conducive and effective educational environment. Obedient character helps students appreciate the role of teachers as mentors, which ultimately has a positive impact on the learning atmosphere at school. This study aims to identify the strategies implemented at MTs Al-Barokah, Jaharun B Village to form obedient character in students towards teachers. The approach used in this study is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach, involving observation, interviews, and documentation. Through observation, researchers can directly understand the interactions between students and teachers in the school environment. Interviews with teachers and administrative staff provide in-depth insights into the approaches used, while documentation helps identify rules and programs that support the formation of
obedient character. The results of this study indicate that there are several main strategies implemented at MTs Al-Barokah. First, the teacher role model approach, where teachers try to demonstrate attitudes and behaviors that are worthy of being emulated by students. This role model is important because students tend to imitate the behavior of teachers they respect and admire. Second, strengthening religious values through religious activities such as joint prayers, religious studies, and lectures, which aim to instill the value of obedience as part of religious teachings. In addition, the habituation of good behavior at school is also an important strategy. Through clear and consistent school rules, students are accustomed to obeying the rules and respecting the authority of teachers. For example, discipline and punctuality are considered a form of respect for teachers. The last strategy includes providing appropriate appreciation and sanctions. Appreciation is given to students who demonstrate obedience and good behavior, while sanctions are prepared as a reminder for those who break the rules. Overall, the implementation of these strategies is expected to shape the character of students who are obedient and respectful of teachers. This not only helps improve the quality of learning, but also creates a harmonious and pleasant school atmosphere, where the relationship between teachers and students is based on mutual respect and trust.
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