Study, Sufism, AspectAbstract
Sufism is "Science that studies efforts to cleanse oneself, fight against lust, seek the path of holiness with wisdom by leading to immortality, hold fast to Allah's promises and follow the Shari'a of Allah's Apostle in getting closer and achieving His pleasure. Sufism if studied has a fairly long history starting from the time of the Prophet Muhammad, the time of the companions, to the present. Sufism at the time of the Prophet was already visible, namely in the prophet himself whose life was in the prophet himself whose life was very simple who seemed to suffer and his time was only used to worship Allah, but he did not complain, even felt calm and comfortable. At the time of the companions, they followed the habits of the Prophet Muhammad. With all simplicity and increasing contact with Allah SWT, rather than taking care of others, but in those two eras people did not know clearly, only from their words, they were directed to spiritual life rather than worldly life, and the beginning of Sufism is known as an understanding after the death of his and his companions. For mutashwwifin people, getting closer to Allah is always based on the spirit of worship with the aim of achieving the perfection of life and ma'rifatullah. The next goal of Sufism is the achievement of dignity and the degree of perfection (insane kamil). Humans who already know themselves, their existence will have the main characteristics. An important influence for Islamic society is that Sufism is what teaches humans to love Allah with servant's love to their Lord, and which teaches humans to long for God, and to always feel happy with God, who is Rahman and Rahim.
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