
  • Abdullah Sani STAI Aceh Tamiang


Normative, Islamic Studies, Islamic Law


Differences of opinion among Islamic jurists cover various aspects of life and give rise to schools of Islamic law schools. Although in essence the difference in schools is due to differences in ijtihad-ushul figh. Differences in technical understanding, personal or group interests in political aspects, as well as differences in the quality and intellectual capacity of each founder and his followers. The difference between the different schools of Islamic law, the schools of thought are not out of Islamic law as long as they refer to the Qur'an and Sunnah in their ushul figh. Differences of opinion in formulating the law are due to several reasons. These reasons can be summed up in one main reason that can accommodate other reasons, namely differences in understanding the propositions of syara ', al-quran and hadith. Besides that, among the scholars there have been those who have opinions before studying the arguments and looking for and studying the arguments later only in an effort to strengthen their opinions. The situation is reversed, sharia which is basically a source and guide in formulating law, has a function as a reinforcement of emerging opinions.


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